When More Becomes Too Much

You have complaints in relationships...
That they don't call you, they don't come and meet you, or maybe they don't love you anymore.

You chase that loved one, you feel hurt, and you be angry.
Does it change them?
Does it change your life?
Does it improve your relationship?

You cannot change people and their feelings by complaining.
Does it matter to you if never changes?
Does it matter if they never feel the same for you?

It should not.

Now, don't think negatively about it.

If they don't reciprocate the love and care you give them, then why should you do so much? Too many efforts in relationships do not have any value. Instead of trying to change them or their feelings, change your approach and your attitude in this relationship. 

Stop doing a looooot...
Because when more becomes too much, less is more than enough! :)

Take care.


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