Tips To Lower Your Ego

The ego is an enemy of humankind. In today's time, we all are suffering from "Ego". Shockingly, it has a negative impact on our lives.

Here are four things about ego to live by:

  1. The higher the ego lower the strength.
  2. The ego is an obstacle in the way to success.
  3. Where there is ego, there is no love.
  4. Having no-ego is about being human.

The good news is you can achieve the state of no-ego with practice. Do small things in day to day life that can lower your ego. Here are some tips:

Read till the end!

  • Learn from everyone. There is always something to learn from every person you meet in your life. Don't hesitate or be reluctant to learn from people, even from those who are your colleague and juniors.
  • Life is incomplete without love and care. People with high egos stop giving, and when you stop giving you stop getting. Keep giving love and care. 

  • Accept rejections gracefully. Whether it's rejection in a job interview or in love … accept rejection gracefully.
  • We are human beings, we happen to make mistakes. It's ok to make mistakes and it's great to say sorry. If you think you made a mistake, be ok to say sorry! :)
  • If you are chasing power in life, you won't be able to lower your ego. In life, nothing is permanent, one can not be powerful forever. So, why chase power in life? Instead, find a purpose and peace in life.
  • Even if you had a conflict with someone, keep sending them good wishes.
  • Be a sport and appreciate your competitors.
  • Don't get impacted if people do not go your way or by what they say or do. It's not in your control.
  • Don’t take life too seriously. Forgive and move on almost daily and stay light.
  • Always keep a note with you saying "I want to lower my ego".
Practicing such small things can make a huge difference in your life. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section.
Use these tips to lower your ego!

Be Strong Be Human

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