10 Things To Do For Being An Exceptionally Good Human Being

You set high targets for a successful career. Why not set high targets for being a good human? Let me guide you in being not just good but an exceptionally good human being. Find 10 spiritually correct and practically possible To-dos in this blog.

Read till the end!

1. Inspire others

There are very few people who inspire others. It would be life-transforming for you to be the one. To inspire others you don't have to do great things, you just have to do good things. 

Become an inspiration for others!

2. Be a giver!

In today's time, people are unwilling to give love, care, and respect. Humanity is about giving. On the other hand, giving a lot may feel like losing. Then what should you do? 

Firstly give yourself and then to others but choose to be a giver. Do little things that may matter to someone in need and can make someone else's life better. Don't lose but at the same time, don't mind giving more than others.

3. Offer your ears to a friend in need

Be a "friend like a friend", someone who is helpful in need. By giving your time and empathy to a friend in pain you do highly positive things in life. It is good karma! For example, "someone lost its closed one", offer them your listening ears. You may say and mean that "if you need any listening ears, then I am available for you". 

4. Maintain your integrity and genuineness

In life you might have to deal with deception, negotiations, defaming, or shaming. May be in business or in relationships. 

Don't lose your values for anyone in the world.  Stand determined for your values.

Nowadays people think something else but says another. However, one can make life pretty easy by being genuine, where, your thoughts, words, and actions are the same.

When you are happy for others, be internally happy. 

When you say YES, mean it. 

When you say NO, mean it.

Integrity and genuineness are important elements in business and in relationships.

5. Be compassionate

A lot of people are going through pain in the world. Being compassionate increases your understanding of people. It helps you in managing your emotions and being a calm person. Compassionate people do a lot better in their personal and professional life than others. Being a compassionate person surely makes you an exceptionally good human being. Read my blog on how to be compassionate and how it is beneficial in life.

6. Lower your ego

  • People with high egos stop giving, and when you stop giving you stop getting. Love, respect, and care are the things that everyone wants. Life is incomplete without it. Start giving ... 
  • One can practice and train its mind to lower the ego. One of the ways you can practice lowering ego is, accept rejections gracefully. Whether it's rejection in an interview or in love … accept rejection gracefully.  
  • If you are chasing power in life, you can not lower your ego. In life, nothing is permanent, one can not be powerful forever and so, why chase power? Stop seeking power. Instead, find purpose and peace in life. 

7. Don't judge people

Don't judge people by their appearance, looks, and habits. For example, who you think as "not presentable" could be a rich person, or who you think as a quiet and weak person could be a smart and an empowered person.

Don't make assumptions about people. Be non-judgmental!

8. Make better choices

Life is about making choices. In any situation, you will have different options, make choices that make you successful as well as a good human being. 

9. Find solutions that do not become a problem for others.
Life gives challenges continually, have a solution-finding mindset. Find the solutions that solve your problems and, at the same time, do not become a problem for others. Read my blog quotes about problems in life and get your dose of motivation. 

10. Be positive in a negative situation

Anyone can be positive in a positive situation. Can you be positive in a negative situation? Sure you can! In a negative situation, a negative person may get rude, bully, gossip, or negatively influence others. Whereas a positive person will be dignified, hopeful, optimistic, and communicating. Make the choice that makes you a better person in life. Stay positive in a negative situation.

Bingo! By reading this blog you just took the first step to be an exceptionally good human being. 

Would you like to add more ToDos to the world for being an exceptionally good human being?

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Wish you all the best!

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