Lessons to learn from the Pandemic

In today's time, the world is going through a critical situation - "Pandemic". Life has become vulnerable and we are living in the new normal with no clue when it will be over.  The time is very challenging for the entire world. Well, where there is a challenge there is an opportunity to learn. Pandemic is teaching us the lessons that not only we must remember in our lives but shall also pass on to future generations. 

Scroll down to read the lessons to learn from the pandemic.

To expect the unexpected in life
We never thought that we will have to face pandemic in our lives. We must learn that unexpected things happen in life and at times, as critical as Pandemic where it may feel like an end. Sometimes when it looks like an end, substantially is a new beginning. We must keep faith in God and keep moving in such a phase of life. 
Good Immunity is a must
There was an influenza pandemic in 1918, which was caused by the H1N1 virus, and the COVID19 pandemic (started in 2019) is caused by a coronavirus. H1N1, Coronavirus are only a couple of names. There are other microorganisms also in nature, which may cause a new disease. Vaccines for all the microorganisms are not available. We must boost our immunity to prepare our bodies to fight with it. We should do our bit, follow a healthy lifestyle for good health and immunity.

Creativity needs time
During the time of lock-down social media was completely flooded with arts and artists. I too was pleasantly surprised to see the hidden talents, of my friends, in painting and sketching. Creativity needs time and deep thinking. People were able to dedicate time to creativity because of lock-down and social distancing. The lesson is to explicitly dedicate time for creativity. Life becomes interesting and positive with creativity. Don't stop after the pandemic gets over and do take some time to explore and shape up your creativity.

To value socializing
The pandemic restricted socializing. Now, social gatherings and fun times with friends and relatives has become a dream. Socializing is a valuable and joyful aspect of life. Although in such gatherings people gossip, bully someone, or criticize each other in such gatherings. It is a lesson to not to take socializing for granted, to value it, to have an affinity for people, and to appreciate others when you socialize.

To focus on your life
Since socializing got restricted, people across the globe are living mostly in their own space and doing their own things. Ask yourself, is socializing more important than focusing on yourself? Socialize but firstly focus on: 
Your health,
Your family,
Your growth,
Your goal,
Your partner,
Your mind and soul.

One must give time to itself for maintaining good physical and mental health, to work towards its goals and to spend time with family. Can you think of a world where everyone is focused on itself than socializing, what does it look like? Comment below!

To be adaptive
Someone said rightly "change is the constant" and we all should become adaptive to the change. For example, when the pandemic started, some of my friends who make their living by singing started selling food or masks. It's a good example to adapt to the change as soon as possible. The sooner you adopt the change the easier life becomes.

Feeling content is the key to happiness
During lock-down, the entire world stayed at home. Some found it as a problem whereas some as an opportunity. Those who adopted this change availed the opportunity to work from home at their leisure, to spend quality time with the family during meals. It's completely up to us how we think and feel about it or anything in life. If you feel content with what you have, this minimum is also enough to be happy in life. Learn to feel content because it is the key to happiness in life.

Patience is a must for Human beings
In the pandemic, 
- so many people had to step back from pursuing their dreams like changing jobs, starting a business, moving to a different city, or going for a Europe tour. What will help them to put their goals on hold? 
- secondly, the entire world is waiting for the vaccine. Every other day you have a question "when it will come and when life will get normal?".
What will help all of us to wait for an unknown period of time? 


For a peace of mind and to deal with a difficult situation, human beings must have patience.  Pandemic is surely making people across the globe much more patient than before. In life, we must develop and retain a huge amount of patience to deal with such situations and to keep going with a positive note that, "the situation will change and will become alright with time". 

You learn to live with it
There was a huge amount of fear and worry among people when the pandemic started. But now, people have learned to live with the new normal, to be careful, and to follow the required safety measures. The world has to live with it till the time there is a vaccine. It's a learning that, certain problems do not have an immediate solution. For such problems, you must learn to live positively with it. Be adaptive, keep patience and, be positive that the "things will be in place one day!".

By learning these lessons we become better human beings and the world becomes a beautiful place to live in.
Let’s not stop here and keep learning from these vulnerable times of “Pandemic”. Share with me and others in the comment section, what are you learning from the pandemic?

Take Care and Stay Safe!

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