7 Mistakes To Avoid While Meditating | Meditation Mistakes

Mediation has many benefits like reducing stress, improving focus, and connecting to the inner self and so, it is suggested to meditate daily. Many of us find it difficult to meditate. If you are not getting the results you want from meditation, then ask yourself,

Why am I not able to focus?
What are the mistakes I am doing?
Where do I need to correct myself?

Think, Think Think!
I have noted 7 mistakes one may do while meditating.

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1. Social media -
Social media, mobile notifications, and television are huge distractions. You need to give yourself a break from all these, for those precious moments of power and peace called meditation.

Shut the laptop,
Put mobile notifications off and
Switch off the television or sit quite far from it. (if others are watching).

Find a quieter corner of your house and then meditate.

2. Self Criticism
It's your biggest enemy in achieving anything in life!
By thinking that,
"I am not able to learn meditation"
"My focus is very less"
..... you are surely going to make your learning difficult. Stop criticizing yourself and believe that you can learn it. Even if you could meditate for 5 mins, appreciate yourself.
Tell your self,
"Great, today I could meditate for 5 mins"
"Yey! I can meditate"

3. Deep Breathing
It's natural to have random thoughts and to lose focus while meditating. Every time the random thoughts come, you need to bring your focus back to meditation. In this process, one may forget to breathe deeply. Remember to breathe deeply, it helps to have attention and focus on meditation.

4. Not giving importance
A meeting to attend, that movie to watch and those dishes to be washed, everything is important but meditation? Probably, it's not (for you). It is just one of the things you want to do but always remains pending.

Meditation is important for living a healthy and peaceful life. Think of the reason for which you decided to start meditating. You will certainly find a reason to meditate daily. Consider it an essential activity of the day.

5. Inaccurate position
One of my friends told me: "I am not able to focus"
I asked: Where do you sit for meditation
She said: I sit on the bed
I said: "Hey, why do you sit on the bed? You need to sit upright for meditation and on the bed, you might not be able to sit in the upright position"... and suggested to her "Sit on a mat or a chair."

If you are meditating in the sitting position, sit on a chair or mat.

6. You consider meditation a tough thing
Some people say they fall asleep, whereas,
Some people find meditation unreal.
You may find it challenging in the beginning but easy with time. Keep learning!

7. Lack of interest
Some people find meditation boring.
Why they find it boring? Is it because it is slow and silent?
Connecting to your inner self is a valuable thing to do. It gives you exceptional peace and strength. Meditation becomes interesting when you start enjoying being with your inner self and gradually you will relish the silence and being alone. From now say that "Meditation is interesting!".

I hope this helps you in bringing peace and mindfulness in life by avoiding these meditation mistakes.

Stay calm and stay strong!

Take care of yourself!

Be Strong and Be Human

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