13 Things To Do While Staying At Home

When you are stuck at home, let's say because of an emergency or due to family reasons, life may become slow-paced, boring, and the negative thoughts may haunt you. An empty mind is a devil's workshop,  although you have the choice to think positively.

Do not feel low, 
Don't get upset and
Never get bored.

"Sometimes it is a blessing in disguise!"

Ask yourself,
After how many years have I got time just for myself?
Is this not an opportunity to be at home and not in that racing life?

Some people wish to have the comfort of staying home, spend quality time with family, or to sleep more☺but, are they not able to do that. They have to be on the job no matter what, whereas you have got a chance to stay home. Lucky you :)

Ain't this is a blessing?  


Why should you be upset? Why not utilize this time in a unique way?

You may not get this chance again in life. Here are 13 things to do while staying at home

1. Learn to cook

In today's time, people prefer to eat outside. On weekdays they would like to cook only one meal at home.  And hey !! who cooks at home on weekends? Even when you cook, do you really cook a healthy and yummy cuisine in its authentic way? 

Let me guess... "NO" ☺☺

Get serious for cooking, pick a recipe, and  prepare a dish in its traditional way. Remember, a
 new dish every day means a new thing to learn every day. 

2. Workout

You can't just sleep and watch TV all the time, if you do, you will get lethargic and unhealthy. You need to keep yourself active and healthy while being at home. Do zumba, aerobics, or yoga whichever suits you.

3.  Meditate

It's a golden time to connect with your soul and explore your inner self. It will give you peace, increase focus, and protect you from negative thoughts. Do meditate! It is the most beautiful gift one can give to itself. 

4.  Listen to loads of music

There are many benefits to music. It improves mood, reduces stress and anxiety, improves sleep, and many other benefits. Cheer yourself up and stay positive by listening to lots of music.

5. Study
If you are a student or a working professional like an IT professional, avail this long break in accomplishing some courses and certifications. Find some courses that will benefit you in the future and go for it.

6. Assess yourself
In today's world, human beings have no time for themselves. They do not realize where they went wrong in life and what do they need to change in themselves to be a better person. However, it's very important to assess yourself to live a quality life. 
Ask yourself, 
Is my way of living spiritually correct?
What are my strengths and weaknesses
What do I need to do to be a better person?

Sit back, assess yourself, and transform yourself into a better version of yourself.

7. Read

Read books or articles of your interests like spiritual, motivation, fiction, non-fiction, magazine, blogs, business, or comics. There is a lot of engaging content available. There is so much to read and so much to learn. So, Read!

8. Clean your house
Life looks perfect in a clean house. Do dusting, arrange your wardrobe, and clean your kitchen. Feel proud of living in your spic and span home.

9. Showcase your creativity

You have all the time in the world to pursue your hobby.  Do things of your interest  like drawing, painting, writing, photography, dancing, or singing. Create a collection and if want, showcase your talent to others by sharing on social media.  

10. Spend time with your parents
"Hey Mom, I have a meeting right now. Will talk later."
"Dad I won't be able to come today I have loads of work."

You might have given time to others in life but might have missed making time for the parents. This time is for you and your parents. Sit with them, converse, listen and, cherish all the beautiful memories. Parents do a lot for their children but never show. Give this small yet special gift to them, your time.   

11. Stop worrying about your plans

Such a change in life will put a pause in your plans but it shall not put a pause on your happiness. Don't criticize yourself, neither others nor the situation. Be wise, keep patience, and stop worrying.

12. Be adaptive to the change

Life keeps changing constantly. And if it doesn't change it is not life. One who adopts the change survives in the change easily. As fast you adapt the change, as easy the life becomes. Be adaptive! 

13. Feel content

This is not an ideal situation where you are not able to pursue your dreams but, feel content with what you have. Thank god for this beautiful life. One may get thoughts like, 
"I planned to set up a new business but things are changed now. "
"I wanted to go on an international holiday but can not go at the present time"

With such thoughts you will only hurt yourself. 

So, have thoughts like, 
"Whatever I have at the moment, is good". 
"Good enough to live."
"Good enough to be happy."

Your happiness is your responsibility.

Stay happy while staying home! ❤


Be Strong Be Human

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  1. This was really helpful, I started meditation now using the Headspace app and have been consistently doing it for a month!

    1. Glad to know that my blog inspired you to take up meditation.


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