
Showing posts from March, 2020

13 Things To Do While Staying At Home

When you are stuck at home, let's say because of an emergency or due to family reasons, life may become slow-paced, boring, and the negative thoughts may haunt you. An empty mind is a devil's workshop,  although you have the choice to think positively. Do not feel low,  Don't get upset and Never get bored. "Sometimes it is a blessing in disguise!" Ask yourself, After how many years have I got time just for myself? Is this not an opportunity to be at home and not in that racing life? Some people wish to have the comfort of staying home, spend quality time with family, or to sleep more☺but, are they not able to do that. They have to be on the job no matter what, whereas you have got a chance to stay home. Lucky you :) Ain't this is a blessing?   Then, Why should you be upset?  Why not u tilize this time in a unique way? You may not get this chance again in life.  Here are 13 things to do while staying at home 1. Learn to cook In today'