7 Effective Steps To Build Self Discipline

Do you admire people who consistently follow their routine, give priority to their schedule and successfully pursue career, fitness, and hobbies? 

If you want to have these qualities in you, then you need to have discipline in life. 

Since you are reading this blog, I am sure you have been thinking of building self-discipline in yourself. This blog can benefit you in being disciplined with 7 effective and easy steps.

Scroll down for this transformation! 

1. Ask yourself, "Why should I be a self-disciplined person?"
Self-discipline makes you the boss of your actions and brings fulfillment in life. It is one of the most important attributes to be successful. It helps managing work in professional as well as personal life very well. With discipline, the days will be structured and you can easily regulate the time for career, relationship, fitness, and hobbies. 

These are some benefits of self-discipline. Which is that one reason for which you want to be a disciplined person?

Think about it!

2. Decide
Did you find the reason?
For example:
"To be a successful entrepreneur", or
"For being healthy and fit" or
"As a homemaker, to do household work precisely."

If you have found the reason, decide that 'I want to be a disciplined version of myself because .......". Create a note and stick it somewhere in your room to remind you.

3. Prepare a schedule
A schedule will vary from person to person, create one that is practically possible and advantageous for you. On a paper make these three types of schedule:
i. A schedule for the day: Plan your daily activities.
ii. A schedule for the week: Prepare a schedule for activities that are done once or twice in the week
iii. A schedule for the month: Schedule the task that you will be doing only on a monthly basis. 

4. Take the help of your 24*7 partner, "Mobile"!☺  
We are human beings and until it becomes our habit or rather a ritual :), we forget. Your best friend, "your mobile" will help you in reminding you. Set alarm ⌚ for 5 main activities from your schedule and start following. 

5. Appreciate

Initially, you will find it difficult, you may miss one or two activities from your schedule. Do not get upset or regret, only appreciate what you are being able to do. Keep following and never give up, you will become a highly disciplined person with practice.

6. Believe

Although you are in the process to become a disciplined person, the believes make it happen. Believe that, you are a self-disciplined person already. 
Tell yourself:
"I follow my routine.", 
"I take actions as per the plan.",
"I am a self-disciplined person."

And see the difference! 

7. Target "NOT-365 days"
Let's be practical, in life some unavoidable events will keep coming that may obstruct your schedule at times. If you decide to never miss the schedule you may feel angry or guilty for not being able to follow. Therefore, do not target to have this routine for all 365 days of the year. Be practical and positive!

I would like to challenge you to build self-discipline using these simple steps. Do you accept the challenge? Experiment and please do share your experience with me. Comment or write me an email at winyourself.priya@gmail.com

Be Strong Be Human

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