What To Do When Someone Did Wrong To You

It takes time and effort to overcome the hurt when someone does you wrong. But you can surely be happy and peaceful again. You are not alone, this blog is there to help you. 

Don't victimize yourself: Doing wrong with you is someone else's foolishness, then why should you feel like a victim? Stop thinking,

Why it happened to you?
Why someone or some people did wrong to you?
Instead, think:
They, he, or she is unwise people/person and has a negative attitude towards life.
Consider this situation as an opportunity to learn about people. When you see problems as opportunities, you begin to learn.

Heal your soul with meditation: Meditation helps reducing stress, calming the mind, and channelizing thoughts. When you are deeply hurt, mental energies may reduce and the frequency of thoughts may increases. Meditate to heal your soul and mind.

Express your feelings: Either express to that person/those people that knowingly or unknowingly they have hurt you. Or find a genuine friend and share your hurt with them. Every person is unique, some people do not like to discuss, some choose to have no-contact, whereas some would like to express their feelings. If you want, do express your hurt.

But you need to know this, most people do not want to accept their mistake. They may justify their actions, so do not expect any genuine apology. Express and leave.

Have compassion for yourself: We are not born with all the wisdom. We make mistakes, learn from them, and become wiser in the journey of our life. Stop regretting or criticizing yourself for your past mistakes. Have compassion for yourself and tell yourself nicely,
"It is OK, sometimes we do make mistakes. I am a good human being, I forgive myself and will stay good"

Have compassion for that person/those people: Similarly, the other person also does not know everything in life. Consider it as their foolishness and forgive. Well, considering the fact that this person has hurt your soul, in the future you may not have the same or a good relationship as before, but, you can surely have some compassion and can stop thinking negatively for them.

Don't become a homebody: If you,
avoid socializing and going out, or
seal yourself inside the home, or
lye on the bed and overthink
you will only give space to negative thoughts and will live in the past. Go out, meet people, celebrate(for no reason), travel, or pursue hobbies.

Be with kind and positive people: Everyone who laughs, celebrate or gossip with you are not your friends or rather could be fake friends. You need to choose the right people to be with. Avoid spending time with negative people and be with kind, simple and positive people.

Plan a goal for yourself: You need to distract yourself from all the mess going outside and inside your mind. If you do not plan your future, the past will keep pulling you. Take a pen and paper and write down a plan for the next few months. Go slow or fast but make sure you are working on your goals.

Think, Why it happened: If everything happens for a reason, then why not think of a possible positive reason for which it happened. May be:
Through this, someone else's life will get better? or
It made you find the purpose of your life? or
It taught you a great lesson about life and has made you a better person.

Take responsibility for your happiness: Most importantly, take responsibility for your happiness. Others can't or will not come to make you happy and our happiness is not dependent on anyone. Each one of us has to take responsibility for its happiness. "You are strong, wise, and happiness within yourself". Take the charge of every moment of your life and stay happy.

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