8 Qualities To Become A Strong And Independent Woman

"She is the goddess,
  She is the power, 
  She did not know her strength, 
  Until she explored it."
A woman must live her life independently, not specifically financially, but in her believes and way of living. Whether you are a working woman or a homemaker, if you want to live life as a strong and independent woman, nurture these qualities in you.

1. Decisiveness: 
"She often gets confused about small things like,
which dress to purchase,
which lipstick to wear or
how to reply to a text,

…And when it comes to making big decisions, she sits on the fence. She seeks others to decide:

which career to pursue,
whom to marry or
how to handle a conflict"

If you are indecisive like her, then someone else either parents, spouse, friend, or colleague will make decisions for you. There will be a dependency always. Well, others can suggest you or can tell you the pros and cons, or may impose their decisions on you but only you can understand what is best and right for you. Take their inputs, assess but make your decisions on your own.

2. Believe that you are equal to men: To be a homemaker or earning less than the spouse does not make you any less than him. The role you play in family, society, and office is equally important and significant. Never stop believing that you are equal to men. Others treat you equally or not, they believe it or not no one can stop you from believing that you are equal to men. 

3. Lower your emotions: Here I have two things to tell,
  1. May be you have seen your mother and grandmother crying and being very emotional when sad as well as when happy. Which is very sweet and touchy, but ask yourself, is it empowering? We are grown seeing women with these emotions and think that this is how a woman is and should be. Ask yourself, is it not have made the journey of women tougher? 
    To empower yourself, you must lower your emotions. Observe other emotionally empowered women or observe men and learn how they control their emotions.  It is definitely empowering to have stable and controlled emotions in happiness, as well as in sorrows.  
  2. Women have a tendency to share their painful experiences with almost everyone thinking that it will reduce their pain or solve their problems. In reality, it triggers memories, suffering, and can leave you unhappy. If you are sharing with a very close friend to ask for suggestions once in a while then that can help, but sharing, again and again, can never help. So, no more sharing of grief.
4. Love and Value yourself the most: Many of the women love their partners more than themselves. They are submissive, make many compromises in life, keep quiet or ignore when disrespected and disvalued, or give less importance to their needs.

Ask yourself:

Is this the right way to live life?
Am I pleasing others?
If someone disrespect, should I not take a stand for myself?

Thinking that "I should understand and adjust because I am a woman" is a weak thought. Relationships should be mutual and should have equal respect for everyone. Being loving is necessary to live a good life, but you must love and value yourself the most.

5. Make compromises that are good for you too: More often women have to make compromises in life. But if the compromises are made by being submissive and losing yourself, it may leave you frustrated and will not bring any good for you. "One can not lose its self to make others happy". Assess if a compromise is good for you as well and then decide if you want to make it or not. For example, if the doctor has recommended resting at home in pregnancy, then taking a break in a career is good for you as well as for your family. In this case, thinking negatively that "I made a compromise" or "I could not grow in my career during these days", would not be right. Ultimately it is good for you as well. Assess compromises, find out how it is good for you, prepare your mind, think positively, and then go for it.

6. Be independent for your happiness (and/or financially): Happiness is not dependent on anyone but most of the girls think that the guy in her life will make her happy and it's his responsibility to make her happy. However,  if you wait for him to make you happy there will be disappointments always. And imagine 
how painful it would be if the relationship breaks and your happiness is dependent on him, or if he does not loves you the way you thought? Be a happy, independent, and content soul forever. 

Yes, being financially independent does make a difference but not too much especially if you have an understanding husband. If you be financially independent it will definitely nurture you but if you are happy being a homemaker, be a proud homemaker :)

7. Resolve your issues on your own:

Everyone has to face conflicts in life, sometimes in the office, with family members, with friends. Men can solve their problems on their own but many women seeks help from their partner, spouse, or friend. 
Ask yourself,
Why do women need help with dealing with their problems?
Is it not empowering to deal with your problems on your own?

Stop being dependent and expecting that someone else can solve your problems. Only you can! Of course, at times we all need some help but you should take the charge to deal with your problems. Grab some extra dose of motivation here!

8. Your success is your responsibility: It's not of your parents' nor of your spouse's responsibility. Your success is your responsibility. 
An ambitious woman faces a lot of challenges to achieve her goals, especially after marriage. There will be gaps in her career, expected to take care of kids, and cooking is considered her sole responsibility.

Others do not know and do not understand what your dreams are? What do you want to achieve in life? Take the responsibility of fulfilling your ambitions, plan, and bring them on.
Wish you all the best girl!

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Be Strong and Be Human! 

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