
Showing posts from October, 2019

7 Types Of Thinking You Should Be Aware Of

Human beings think differently in different situations. Sometimes emotional, sometimes practical, negative, positive, etc. However, some are more emotional, some are more practical, some have more positive thinking whereas some have more negative thoughts. For a situation, one person who thinks practically may wonder why another person is being emotional and can not have a practical approach. Or a person may wonder why another person has a negative opinion about a positive thing. Although, we need to understand and accept that each individual is different and thinks differently. By doing that, you are much prepared for their's actions and reactions as well. Learn 7 different types of thinking, and benefit yourself in dealing with people in a better way. Read 7 different types of thinking: Wishful:  Wishful thinking leads to thoughts about situations or desires that may not happen in real life. With such thinking one may dream, believe that it is real, can have unrealistic exp