How to become LOVE

People try to understand "what is love" but a wise person will want to understand "how to become love". If you become love, love comes to you.

People fall in love, make many mistakes, and then deal with the pain for years. If you become love you love without pain. Love does not hurt and if it does then it is Not-Love.

They say, 'good love', 'true love' or 'supreme love' but I think love does not need an adjective, the word LOVE itself has depth. It is good, true, supreme and so it is called love.

Learn the qualities that can make you a warm, adorable, and lovable person.
1. Genuine: The one who is in love will be true to its feelings with its partner as well as with self. They will say what they think and will do what they say. There is no place for lies, manipulation, and selfishness. Every gesture of affection, eye-contact, word, and action reflects their genuine loveful soul.

2. Love and Respect: "If the foundation of a relationship is Love and Respect, there may still be a fight but the things will go just right". That is what a human being wants in life, "Love and respect" and if there is a constant exchange of love and respect between the two, a strong relationship is created. When things are good anyone can be loving and respectful but if you have love and respect even when there are differences in opinion and conflicts, then you can resolve any problem that comes in your relationship and can make things loveful each time.

3. It is a choice: Sometimes people change, feelings fade away and relationships ruins but it is about the choices you make in love. You can't love someone forever until you choose to do it. A person who has fluctuating thoughts about its partner or relationship won't be able to be in love forever. But the one who chooses to do so can love its partner forever. So, if you want to become love, make the choice.

4. Giver: Love is to give and you get what you give. For a lover, it is easy and energizing to generously give love to its partner without expecting the same in return. If the partner also values and reciprocates, then it takes the relationship to a different level. A lover does not give love to get benefit out of the relationship. Their love is selfless and unconditional.

5. Low expectations: When a love relationship is developed, unfortunately along with that, the mountains of expectations are also developed☺☺. It is very unfair to expect so much from your partner, moreover, the one who expects remains disappointed. Do not be unfair and put the burden of your expectations on your partner. A wise person will have zero, low, realistic, or reasonable expectations only.

Read my blog How to To Lower Your Expectations From others

6. Give time to learn:  Every love story has ups and downs and in a relationship, you accept the person with its strengths and weaknesses. If the partner makes a mistake in a situation, a lover will communicate, guide, and will give time for self-assessment and learning. A lover will not criticize, judge, reject, or feel bitter for the partner. This is the quality that one should have to make a relationship healthy and successful.

7. Transform: In a make or break situation, if there is something that a lover can transform in themselves to save or make the relation then a lover will do its best because they do care about the partner and the relationship. When there are reasons to break, relationship breaks, and vice versa. A lover will want to create the reasons that will let their partner be with them.

8. Self-respect: In love, one may become submissive, please or let the partner treat badly also. It is good to be loving but not at the cost of your self-respect. The importance of self-respect is much more than love. Have the highest level of respect for yourself and for the partner as well.

9. Zero Ego: Ego can neither empower nor can bring love in life. A person who has a high ego can not experience love in life.
"Why should I ask, he/she should",
"Whether you like or not, this is how it is",
....are the words of an egoistic person. If you want love in life, then retain your strength by diminishing your ego. 

10. Does not ask for Love: To love is a strength and an empowered person will not ask for love and care, rather they will become someone whom their partner would love to love. Moreover, if you ask your partner to do something for you then your partner will also ask you to do something for them. By asking for love one can only create a deal not love.

11. Curious: A lover would be interested to know about its partner's family, childhood, good and bad experiences of life. Such conversations create a great bonding between the two and are a sign that the relationship is much more than just the attraction.

12. Encourage: You feel very happy and glad when you see your love doing good work and growing in their field. A loving partner will always appreciate and encourage you even for the small things you do. They are supportive and be available to help if they can do anything for your growth.

13. Listener: In a love relationship, your partner is also your best friend and good listening is the quality of a good friend. He or she will want to carefully listen to its partner, is inquisitive about knowing more, and wants to make sure that they listen and respond to everything that you said.

14. Caring: He/she will care for its health, aspirations, and choices. You give your inputs to your partner for pursuing the aspirations, you try to make them feel better when upset or you will things that make them happy.

15. Will try to understand you: Human beings are not mind-readers. Your partner sometimes may not understand what you want or why you are upset. But, a lover will go out of the way, ask appropriate questions, and will try to understand what you want and how you think, to know you better.

16. Detachment: Very important! Love is a bond between the two souls. But life is unpredictable and what if the relationship breaks? You shall not shatter for the person you deeply loved. Don't be so attached to anyone and anything in life. The one who is detached can manage any loss in life. Detachment comes with the awareness that no one and nothing in this world is yours forever. Every person you meet and everything that happens are the experiences of your life. If you are detached from your wants and desire you live a content life. Being detached does not lower your love, it still remains the same. It only makes you a wise lover.

Is there any other quality you would like to share? Let me know in the comment section.


Be Strong and Be Human! 



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