
Showing posts from September, 2019

How to become LOVE

People try to understand "what is love" but a wise person will want to understand "how to become love". If you become love, love comes to you. People fall in love, make many mistakes, and then deal with the pain for years. If you become love you love without pain. Love does not hurt and if it does then it is Not-Love. They say, 'good love', 'true love' or 'supreme love' but I think love does not need an adjective, the word LOVE itself has depth. It is good, true, supreme and so it is called love. Learn the qualities that can make you a warm, adorable, and lovable person. 1. Genuine: The one who is in love will be true to its feelings with its partner as well as with self. They will say what they think and will do what they say. There is no place for lies, manipulation, and selfishness. Every gesture of affection, eye-contact, word, and action reflects their genuine loveful soul. 2. Love and Respect: "If the foundation of a