How to make up your mind to workout persistently?

“I will start working out from tomorrow”,
“I want to reduce my weight, I should go running every morning”, 
“Once the work pressure is reduced, I will join the gym.”
Thoughts like these keep recurring in the mind for months and sometimes for years but that tomorrow never comes, morning running is always missed and the work pressure is never reduced and so the workout never gets started.☺

It happens with many that they decide to start the workout but cannot start and postpone it or workout only for a few days but could not continue. 

If you too are not able to start or continue the workout then let me help you in preparing your mind so that you, 

start working out on your own,
make time for it, 
find it interesting and 
continue it forever. 

Keep reading!

Why one should workout? 

Ask yourself,
Am I giving importance to my health?

Is it the first priority in my life? 

It is very well said that "health is wealth" and it's true that health is the most important thing in life. It should be the first priority in one's life. However, some people give importance to success, career or money but not to the health. 

If the health is not good then how one can perform other activities of the day. You need good health to perform well in your personal, professional and social life. Just like you charge your mobile every day your body also needs energy every day. Work out every day to maintain the fitness and energy level of your body. 

To live a healthy and happy life you must start working out. 

Find a reason to workout.
For doing anything our mind needs a reason. If you find a reason which convinces your mind to exercise then you will want to exercise on your own. Find a reason, convince your mind and start exercising now onwards. 

And to find the reason, you need to know about the significance of the healthy body. Start learning about the various workout, its importance, its effects on body and mind, read and watch videos related to it.  As you start to feed your mind with the information your interest and focus on working out will also grow.

Follow self-encouraging practices every day:
Every day do things that encourage you and remind you for taking care of your health.
  • Write on a sticky note to remind you to workout.
  • Eat healthy food: Along with exercising you should also follow a healthy diet and habits. It encourages you to take care of health and so to exercise as well.
  • Keep learning about a healthy body, mind, diet and exercise. 
  • Know what does your fitness idols do to stay healthy.
  • Consider buying good shoes, gym/yoga tracksuit for you. Dress up especially for a workout. This is also a useful way to feel good about exercising especially if you hate working out.☺☺
  • Find a companion: If you are finding it difficult to start alone then find a friend and start the workout with them. 
  • Make a couple's goals: Some of the couples like to make an everyday goal of burning calories. That is how they keep each other's enthusiasm high.
  • If you find a specific workout boring then try another type of exercise. Important is to start. 
  • Most importantly, you must have positive thoughts about exercising. Find some very positive thoughts at the end of the blog.
Set a target:
We need a target to be committed, to constantly work on and to learn for accomplishing the goal. Therefore, set a target and let yourself know, what should be your fitness level or what would you like to do after you develop a healthy, energetic and fit body.

Whether you would like to run in a marathon or you would like to participate in a fitness competition or you would like to go for a trek or you would like to shape up the body or you would like to fit in your favorite dress or you would just like to reduce a couple of kilos of weight.

Prepare smaller targets and start working on them. Appreciate yourself for achieving each and every goal and keep making new targets. 

For example, you can start with burning 100 cal for the first few days. Once achieved the target then make a target of burning 200 cal and then you can increase the target accordingly. 

Even if you do not achieve your targets, appreciate yourself for trying. Create new targets and start again.

Hey, is there any target coming into your mind right now?☺

Find time to exercise.

I am assuming that you have decided a suitable workout for yourself. Now also decide a suitable time for doing it. If you have a fixed daily routine, for example, working in a 9-5 job, then decide a time to workout. It is good to have a fixed time because then it becomes part of your routine. So, decide the time!  

If your routine is not fixed for example if you are an artist then your work timings will not be fixed but still do not make this an excuse and make sure you do some workout in your day whenever you find it suitable to do.

Many people say that “I am very busy with my office work, so I do not find time to exercise”, well this is just an excuse. If you care for your health and if you decide to do it then you will anyhow make time for it.  Please understand this; your health should be your first priority in life. One should always remember that “Working out is the need for a healthy body and a happy life”. You may find exercising an exhausting thing to do but it increases the energy level, reduces the stress and is very refreshing. 

I am sure now onwards you will make time to workout☺☺

You can continue working out.

Yes, you can. It happens with many that, they start a workout but in a few days for no reason stop doing it and do not continue what they started. If you give importance to the reason to workout then you can continue doing it for life. Make it your first priority, remember the reason and work out daily. 

And if for some reason you discontinued, still, do not regret or criticize yourself. Do not think that "You can't continue like others" or that "you are not capable" or that "it is not your cup of tea". You already did it once, have faith in yourself and love for working out. You did a great job that you started! You are doing the right thing in life that is WORKING OUT! Keep it up! Recollect all you have done so far, appreciate yourself for that and start working out again.

Create highly positive thoughts while exercising.

Write down some highly positive thoughts and tell these thoughts to yourself, while you are working out. Thoughts can be like:
  • I love to do exercise every day.
  • It’s my passion to exercise
  • The exercise is nourishing every cell of my body.
  • I am a healthy person and I like to take care of my health.
Thoughts like these can do wonders; you will start loving working out, you will never want to stop it and you will want to do it forever.

So, would you start working out?

Stay healthy and fit!

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Be Strong and Be Human! 

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