15 Valuable Tips To Develop Good Relationships In A Social Group

Having good relationships in a social group is a very important aspect of life. If your relationships with your spouse, family, friends, colleagues, and relatives are healthy you will be happy and peaceful, else there will be conflicts, stress, and unhappiness.

In this blog, you will find 15 valuable tips to develop good relationships in a social group.

Let's get started!

Having good relationships is one of the aspects of being successful in life. There are people who are successful in their careers but are not happy in life. If you want to be successful as well as happy in life then you should learn to develop harmony in relationships.

Here are some valuable tips: 

1. Love and Respect: Just like a strong foundation defines the reliability of a house, similarly, if a relationship is based on love and respect then it lasts for life and brings happiness in life. Every human being wants "love and respect" in life. If you start giving love and respect to people, you start getting it too. When things are going good anybody can be loving and respectful but to have love and respect even when there are differences in opinion or conflict is a strength. If you make it a rule for life it can benefit you in living a peaceful and content life.

2. Use quality words: If you speak positive and quality words you are looked upon as a quality person, people would love to listen to you, will appreciate you, will take your words seriously and will respect you. There so many benefits that I feel everyone should start it from now. You don’t need a brilliant vocabulary or decorative words or try to impress anyone. If you fake, anyone can figure it out. It should be an internal transformation and you should speak your soul. What you say should be your genuine believes and thoughts. Use words that keep harmony between you and others.

3. Believe that everyone is with you: If you be in doubt or if you think negative whether others want to talk to you or not, whether your opinion matters or not then you need to work on your self-worth. You should believe that others are with you, will try to understand you and will support you. Well, the reality is "nobody is with nobody", but one should have a positive attitude and believe that others are with me and it will happen.

4. Agree or disagree respectfully: In a discussion, each one has its own view and thinks that their outlook is right. If you disagree and negate right away then someone may feel offensive or won’t be really interested in the conversation. If you want there should be harmony and not the conflict between you and others then respect their opinion, if you agree with them then say “I agree with you” or if you disagree then disagree respectfully. Use phrases like:

 “I agree with that but I think …”

“Maybe you are right but I don’t really agree with that…”

“Possibly, but I think...”

“With due respect, I don’t agree with you. I feel …”

“Well, I don’t agree with that”

5. Take things on a lighter vein: In a group, there will be times when people will not agree with your opinion or will speak a few things that you dislike and do not agree with. Well, don’t expect people to agree with your opinions and do not expect others to speak only things that you like. Let others disagree and speak their opinions liberally with you. You don’t feel hurt, offensive or hold back anything in your mind. If you get hurt or offensive for each and everything then people will be scared to talk to you and there won’t be an open discussion. Take conversation on a lighter note, listen, speak, enjoy, laugh and start fresh in the next meet.

6. Be Affectionate: We happen to connect and focus on the person for whom we feel affection. If you be affectionate towards every person in the group, you can feel a connection with everyone, be able to completely involve in the discussions and live the moment.

7. Be a good listener: One, who interrupts or does not show interest in listening when someone is speaking, is never appreciated. Moreover, if you listen well you develop a good friendship with that person. So, in your social group, if you want to develop friendship, be a good listener. You need to balance your speaking and listening ability to be heard and to hear others as well.

What if others are discussing a topic that is not of your interest? For example, if others are discussing the share market and you are not at all interested in this discussion then let others talk. You either listen or completely skip the topic. But, do not feel any less about yourself, we all have our own areas of interest.

8. Create memories for yourself and others: In a social group, create good memories for others to create good memories for yourself. People will not be with you forever, but the memories will. Creating good memories is good for yourself as one day you will remember and cherish those moments. Plan some events, take initiatives, share giggles and spend quality time with your social group. 

9. Do not have strong opinions: In an official meeting, discussions, and debates, it is ok to have strong opinions but in relationships then you will end up having conflicts and at the same time your opinions may not be right even if you believe them. Instead, be flexible with your opinion. 

10. Speak confidently: You should speak confidently in your social group, people will be more interested in listening to you and will respect you. Share your opinion, sense of humor and stories doubtlessly. 

11. Be Helpful: People may not ask but, they do need help sometimes. You will always admire if someone does a favor for you on its own. I remember, when I had to travel urgently the very next day, a friend of mine insisted that she will pack food for me. I did not ask her but she felt the need and did it to make things easy for me. If possible, offer your help to your people and it will make your bonds stronger. Be helpful! Even if things are not going very well in your friendship still offer your help when someone is in need.

12. Do not get into an argument: Some people want to prove their point and can alter a general discussion into an argument. Be cautious with such a person in the group and do not get into an argument. It is not required to prove your point every time. If someone does that, take it easy, don’t worry, they are not going to get an award for doing that :-D, but if you too get involved in the argument then you will waste your time and energy. Let them do what they know to do and you do what you should do as a smart person. And that is either ignore, agree with them to dissolve any chance of conflict or say your opinion in an assertive and positive way.  

13. If the group dynamics are not good: If dynamics in any of your groups are not positive, healthy and friendly then find a person with whom you feel more comfortable. Be with this person more than other people in the group. It will help you in staying positive and act better in the group. Interact less with the negative people in the group. The important thing here is that you should not get into any conflict.

14. You can’t make everyone happy: In a group, someone may have its own expectations or try to control or do not like you or like you too much. You should learn to maintain balance and to deal with all. If you try to make everyone happy you will end up pleasing others and wasting your time and still, they will have complains. Do not try to make others happy, instead, be happy and enjoy the moment with others.

15. Value yourself utmost: If you do not value yourself others will also not value you. You should not please anyone and should not feel less than any other person. If you become submissive others will dominate, if you do not respect yourself others may disrespect you, if you do not assert your values others also won’t care about it. Each person has its own unique quality and is special in its own way. Therefore you should respect your values, likes, dislikes and should value yourself utmost.

These 15 tips can bring transformation in your relationships and in yourself. It will take your happiness to the next level. You will make beautiful relationships and live a happy life. 

Here is a question for you, do you think having good relationships in a social group is an important aspect of life? Let me know in the comment section. 

Wish you all the happiness in life!

Be Strong and Be Human! 

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