How To Deal With A Conflicting Mind

Are multiple unanswered questions haunting your mind?
Why and how did you get into this state of mind?
Are you not able to figure out what is right and wrong?
Wondering who is genuinely with you?

If you are in such a state of mind, then probably you are spending a lot of time with people with whom your friendship or relationship is fake, someone is playing with your mind, you have become too dependent on someone, someone is manipulating you or you are doing something unusual from your basic nature.

How one should deal with such a situation? And how should you resolve the conflict that is going in mind so that you can focus on other things that really matters in life?

Below are some valuable tips!

1.  A clashing situation which is not getting solved and causing conflict in mind is not going to create anything positive and healthy in life. It will only drain your energies and you will end up wasting your time. In one's life, nobody and nothing should be more important than peace, health, and happiness. So, as soon as possible, walk away from such a situation, such people and such a person, stay away from the mind vampires, remain busy for them and better be alone.

2.  You have your own perception and other people or person has its own. From your perception, you feel that you are right and from their perception, they feel that they are right. However, both perceptions are right based on one’s own way of thinking. But, for the peace of your mind, you need to detach yourself from your own perception. If you are smart, you will detach yourself from your perception and from those people/person because of whom you are getting engulfed into a conflicting situation, whether others detach themselves or not. It does not look easy to disconnect with people, even if the relationship is not good but it is not tough either and is OK if you do so for your own good.

3.  Find out how and why you got into such a situation? Ask yourself, 

What did you want? 
Were you been tricked by someone?
Did someone disrespect you? 
Is there any weakness in you that you need to overcome?
Is it worth to spend time with a person or people who are not good for your mental health?
Figure it out and let yourself know. Well, if a friendship, relationship or wish is lowering your mental energies or compels you to leave your values, then you should not pursue it. You should set yourself free and independent from such a person, relationship or wish. You will do well somewhere else, with some other person and with some other people who appreciate you, encourage you and really cares for you. 

4. Engage yourself in your work, hobbies and focus on self-improvement! Develop some new skills, aspirations, hobbies and explore yourself.  Identify your interests like studying further, appearing for competitive exams, reading, dancing, exercising or any other and go for it. Learn and develop some good practices like discipline, punctuality, effective communication or any other. Be on it, keep learning, appreciate yourself for small achievements and work towards getting better every day.

5.  If still there are many questions coming in your mind and if you still feel that you want answers or you want to know a few things then try to talk with the same person or people. Try to understand indirectly their thought process and how they think about the situation. Learn how different people think differently and how everyone is right from their own point of view. Gradually you may come to know little more and you may get some clarity. But the better option is to have absolutely no contact, at least for the time being. 

6. Last but not least, time is the best healer. With time you may find that people did not intently try to hurt you, they were either trying to create something good for themselves from you or trying to protect themselves from getting hurt. Stop thinking 
negative and victimizing yourself.  You only need to know ways to handle different people and different situations. When you will understand that you made mistakes because you were not aware of several things, you will find yourself learning more about life, you will see the problem as an opportunity to find a solution and will be thankful to experience it in the journey of your life. 

When you develop a deep understanding of life and people, you become a wiser person than before and a better version of yourself :)

If this post helps you or your friend or if you have any question then let me know in the comment section or email me at

Take care...

Be Strong and Be Human! 


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