Why Having Positive Thoughts is Bliss

Research says that an average human mind generates 60,000 thoughts a day, which includes positive, negative, waste and repetitive thoughts. In which, 95% are repetitive and 80% are negative thoughts. So, imagine how much negative thoughts human beings create in a day. 

Human beings tend to live in the mind, thinking about failures of past and fears for the future. A negative thought comes in mind which is followed by many related negative thoughts, and the chain goes on until you realize that you have wasted your time in thinking something which is over, is of no use, is not in one's control and is not at all related to the present situation.

Even if in the current environment everything is positive and going well, still thoughts of past failures and fears for the future has a negative effect within and consequently lower the mood. If you keep thinking negative, life will become tough and unpleasant. 

Well, the truth is difficulties may always be there and negative thoughts may never go away completely because it is mind’s tendency to create and repeat negative thoughts, however, negative thoughts can be overshadowed by consciously replacing them with positive thoughts. 

To live a happy, peaceful and beautiful life you need to increase your positive thoughts. For that, you need to create positive thoughts consciously and replace negative thoughts with these consciously generated positive thoughts each and every time. By doing that, you are actually increasing the number of positive thoughts in a day. This will help in making life beautiful, smooth and enjoyable. 

It is not something that can be achieved overnight. It is a process which will take time and will come in action with practice and by training the mind. However, after a lot of practice also mind may still have similar behavior but if you add this program in the mind then with time the mind itself will remind you to create positive thoughts. Interesting, right?

Find some helpful positive thoughts in below two blogs,
10 Highly Positive Thoughts To Create When Things Are Not Good and 
10 Highly Positive Thoughts to Enhance Productivity

Well, this is one important step however, you also need to increase awareness towards life to become a happier and stronger person. This one conscious effort of replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts is as good as giving blessings to yourself for living a happier and enjoyable life.

And there you go! You are becoming a much positive, happier and stronger person.

"Be Strong Be Human"

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