10 Highly Positive Thoughts To Create When Things Are Not Good

When life takes an unpredictable turn, it gets difficult to understand what is happening, why it is happening, and what should be done? In this phase of life, it is very important to channelize the mind to think positively so that the difficulties do not multiply.

Others can understand your pain, but only you can feel the intensity of your pain. You may get some support from your family and friends, but the best help you can get is from yourself.

Feelings depend on thoughts. When there are positive thoughts, you feel happy, and when there are negative thoughts, you feel unhappy. You need to protect yourself from negative thoughts to stay peaceful and positive in your difficult times. Therefore, whenever you are sad, remind yourself, "it is only my negative thoughts."

And choose to think positively always for your happiness and strength.

Here are 10 positive thoughts to create in your difficult times:

1. God is always with me.

2. I am a strong human being.

3. I am a peaceful human being.

4. This is just a phase, as long as it takes, I will stay positive.

5. I am thankful to Sun for giving sunshine in my life and making my days beautiful.

6. I am thankful to Earth for giving me this wonderful place to live.

7. Life is beautiful, and I can make it more enjoyable.

8. I may think, weep, be asleep, sit, move slowly, or crawl, but, I will not stop. I will keep moving.  

9. I will grow myself stronger and successful from my pains and failures.

10. I can make my weakness my biggest strength.

Create such powerful thoughts to stay positive and peaceful in your difficult times. Push yourself again and again and train your mind to generate positive thoughts consciously. 

Nothing is permanent in life and this too shall pass.
Stay Positive and Take Care!

"Be Strong Be Human"
- Priya


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  1. True.
    Positive thoughts only help you overcoming unacceptable situations.
    Great Priya

    1. Glad to hear your words ! I hope you will enjoy my upcoming posts as well.


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