
Showing posts from February, 2019

10 Highly Positive Thoughts To Create When Things Are Not Good

When life takes an unpredictable turn, it gets difficult to understand what is happening, why it is happening, and what should be done? In this phase of life, it is very important to channelize the mind to think positively so that the difficulties do not multiply. Others can understand your pain, but only you can feel the intensity of your pain. You may get some support from your family and friends, but the best help you can get is from yourself. Feelings depend on thoughts. When there are positive thoughts, you feel happy, and when there are negative thoughts, you feel unhappy. You need to protect yourself from negative thoughts to stay peaceful and positive in your difficult times. Therefore, whenever you are sad, remind yourself, "it is only my negative thoughts." And choose to think positively always for your happiness and strength. Here are 10 positive thoughts to create in your difficult times: 1. God is always with me. 2. I am a strong human bei

Why empower yourself ?

What could reduce your power? When you are dealing with conflicts in relationships or at the workplace, facing politics in the workplace, have gone through a painful situation in the past or even when you just see some disturbing news on TV, the world looks crazy and life looks very tough and unfair. And you will find that your energies are getting wasted in dealing with it. Why difficult situations come? In most of the cases, it is human desires and weaknesses that be the cause of a difficult situation in one's life. Any complicated situation will bring panic, fear, anxiety, guilt or anger in one’s life. When life gets complicated, you may feel weak and low. It will become difficult to get out of the situation and to take a stand for yourself. It is one's unawareness that brings indecisiveness to understand what to do, how to do, when to stop, how to assess what is right and what is wrong. These weaknesses should be addressed and worked on so that even if such a